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Lesson Plans

Teachers can use Teen Health & Wellness lesson plans to support their programs on health, science, physical education, and language arts. Integrate the database into your classroom and motivate students to learn. All entries are correlated to state, national, and provincial curriculum standards.

  • Birth Control/Contraception: Students can research a method of contraception to prepare and present an eight-slide PowerPoint on the topic.
  • Body Systems: Students can research a body system and then create an oral presentation, written presentation, and Wiki on that system.
  • Budgeting and Money Management: Students can create a sample monthly budget that includes their income, fixed costs, discretionary spending, and more.
  • Driver Education: Students can research a topic related to driver education to reflect upon, and then write a paper summarizing the article and their personal reflections.
  • Editing and Writing for Publication: By participating in our Personal Story Project, students can learn how to write and edit material for publication, based on specific submission requirements. They can then submit their essays to Teen Health & Wellness for publication on our site and receive a certificate of achievement if their story is accepted for publication.
  • Fad Diets: Students can research a fad diet along with principles of general nutrition to create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of ten slides.
  • Financial Literacy: A five-day lesson plan that covers the basics of budgeting and money management; budgeting at home, school, and work; and financial myths and facts.
  • Health and Wellness: Students can research a health/wellness topic of your choice and then use their material to create a brochure for a doctor's office.
  • Hotlines and Resources for Teens: Students can research hotlines and resources to support teens in crisis on a topic of their choosing and then create a poster to hang in the school library or hallway.
  • It’s Your Voice PSA: Students can create a PSA that gives information, provides a solution, or brings awareness to a social issue faced by teens. They can then submit their PSAs to Teen Health and Wellness for publication on our site. Created by Ruth Thoreson, Information Literacy Specialist/Teacher Librarian at Johnston High School; Johnston, Iowa.
  • Sample Lesson Plan: Sexual Health (Illinois State Standards): This comprehensive, five-day lesson plan covers puberty, the male and female reproductive systems, reproduction and pregnancy, and making smart sexual choices for students in grades 9 through 12.