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Kongpheng’s Story

Ever since the Coronavirus Quarantine, everyone’s been stressed. “Will I catch the Coronavirus? What’s going to happen to me? When will the Coronavirus Quarantine end?” These are common questions that I assume are racing through everyone’s head. And because of these questions, and this massive pandemic, everyone’s been panicky. But through it all, there have been people who have ways to cope through all of this. I’ll list some ways as to how I cope.

One of the few ways I cope is by listening to music. Now, I know that seems very common and cliché, but it really helps me. Listening to music is even proven to help you relieve stress, as it helps our minds and bodies relax, and decreases our stress hormones. Especially if it’s soft, quiet, and classical, though most people from recent generations won’t listen to that sort of genre, I assume. And that’s okay. As long as whatever song you listen to helps you unwind. That’s all that matters.

Another way I cope is by playing video games. To me, it’s escapism. To be involved in a different world, being able to see the vastness and beauty of it all, and interact with it, all on a screen. And don’t even get me started on the story part of the game. That is, if it even has a story. Anyways, enough of getting sidetracked. It’s been proven that playing video games can also reduce stress. And if you enjoy the game you’re playing, that’s even better! I personally live for the story of the game, and if the soundtrack is good, I can listen to that later on.

One more way I cope is by drawing. I get to let my mind “lay back and relax” by doing so. Sure, it might take me an hour or two just to draw the face and hair, but at the end of the day, I’m satisfied with the result. And even if you’re not the best, scientists have proven that by performing any sort of art for 45 minutes, it can lessen stress on your body. There’s also the benefit of being able to draw anything you want. I usually like to draw things related to anime, such as a Dragon Ball character, or an item/character from a video game, like Ezio Auditore from Assassin’s Creed.

And that’s how I cope. They’re pretty obvious, but they’re helpful. Although those aren’t the only ways to cope with stress. Another way is by, believe it or not, helping out others around you. I helped out my parents with their project one day, and it felt nice to help them out. For once, I wasn’t thinking to myself, “Can’t wait for this to be over with.” I was actually not caring about how long it would take to finish. But in the end, it’s up to you to choose how to cope with the stress. So long as it’s in a healthy and safe way.


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