Darrin’s Story
I didn’t leave my house for 9 weeks! When I did finally leave the house, I rode along with my mom to a nursery to pick up a few plants. (It was outside so we were able to keep our distance from others). It was nice to get away from the house. Since being at home because of COVID-19, I have been able to talk with my friends through Xbox, which means I have spent a lot of time on Xbox! I’ve also watched a lot of television and taken the dog for walks. This has helped but it’s not the same as before. I’m "stuck" with my family and I don’t get to see my friends. My family is pretty great but there has been a lot of togetherness! We have made the best of it, though, with playing games and just hanging out. My band teacher has kept the band students connected with Zoom meetings every week, online recital, and sectionals. I can’t wait to see all my friends again, but more importantly I just want them all to stay safe and healthy.
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