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Ask Dr. Jan
Dear Dr. Jan,
I have a choice of being in the military or attending college after I graduate. I'm not sure what I want to do. My boyfriend doesn't like the armed forces but will support my decision. I’m scared that if I don’t enlist there will be a lot of upset family members because my parents told them that I already made my choice.
Dear Angel,
Making this decision is very challenging because your choice will have a profound impact on your future. That’s why you want to give it careful consideration. It also sounds like you’re a bit torn because your family expects you to go into the armed forces and your boyfriend doesn’t like the idea. The fact that your boyfriend will support you no matter what you choose is encouraging. I also wonder if your family would be more understanding of your choice than you might think. Regardless of that, my biggest concern is your focus on what others want you to do and may think of your decision. Because this is such a major life decision, you must really focus on what is best for YOU and your future, before taking into account what others may think or say.
In addition, the good news about your choice is that whichever direction you go, the other option will still be available to you. If you’re in the United States or Canada, you may also want to consider a third option of going to college while participating in an ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) or ROTP (Regular Officer Training Plan). This would allow you to receive a college scholarship while training to become a military officer after you graduate. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is first and foremost what you are most comfortable with and chances are that those you love will be there to support you regardless of your decision.
Read more about choosing a college.
Read other questions and answers from Dr. Jan's Corner.