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Ask Dr. Jan

Dear Dr. Jan,

My dad is in rehab. How do I deal with this?

— Josh

Dear Josh,

It has to be extremely difficult to deal with having a parent in rehab. In addition to worrying about your dad and missing him, there is the challenge of others wondering where he is and the difficulty of sharing such personal information.

The good news is that your dad is aware that he has a problem and is trying to deal with it. When people suffer from drug and/or alcohol addiction, it not only affects them, but the rest of the family as well. For this reason, rehabilitation programs often offer family counseling. This helps family members learn how to support their loved one’s recovery, and also provides an opportunity to discuss how they were impacted by the family member’s addiction.

If this is not available, consider asking a trusted adult to help you find some support to deal with this challenge. In many communities, there are support groups for families struggling with these issues. It’s a great feeling to be able to talk to others who are in the same boat and can really relate to your situation. One great resource is called Alanon. This is a free support group with chapters throughout the country. There’s even one especially for adolescents called Alateen. To find out about these programs in your community, visit www.al-anon.alateen.org.