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Ask Dr. Jan

Dear Dr. Jan,

I might be moving so that my dad can get a job. But if my family and I don't move soon, I might lose my home. Is anybody else having this problem?

— Sage

Dear Sage,

Unfortunately, a lot of families are struggling right now because of the economy and job loss. When there are concerns regarding moving to find work and the possibility of losing their home, everyone in the family is affected.

While it is difficult for everyone, it can be even more challenging for the children because they feel powerless to help. Worrying about family challenges like these can often negatively affect school performance, our social functioning, and emotional well-being.

Because it is such a stressful time for families, increased conflict among family members can also occur. The best way to minimize these conflicts, over which we ultimately do have some control, is to encourage open, honest, and compassionate communication. While it is very important for us to express our opinions, it is also important to state them in as considerate and caring a way as we are able. Ultimately, however, it is a time to try and be supportive of your parents’ decision.

If you are uncomfortable talking to your family members directly, it is important for you to at least share your feelings and concerns with a trusted friend or adult. Perhaps that person can also help you to figure out an effective way to talk directly with your family.

While it is no fun at the time, communicating effectively and weathering turbulent challenges together can make families and their relationships stronger.