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Ask Dr. Jan
Dear Dr. Jan,
I have bad study habits and I never finish my homework. I keep trying to break this habit, but I often let other things get in the way and time gets away from me.
— Quentin
Dear Quentin,
Many of us make lists of things that we need to do, sometimes called “to do lists.” It is often the case that we are able to achieve some tasks easily, some with greater effort, and others that we just procrastinate about—eventually moving them to our next to do list!
For many students, homework can be one of those things that is just tough to get done, even though we know we need to do it.
The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you have a good workspace. For example, doing homework at the kitchen table may be less distracting than in your room.
It is also important to try to set aside a specific period of time to do your homework. The general rule here is, the earlier the better. Otherwise you may find yourself doing work at the last second, staying up too late and being tired for school the next day.
A great strategy to help motivate yourself to get your work done is to set up ways that you can reward yourself for your efforts. Many students put off doing their homework by watching TV, going on the computer, and/or playing video games. Try to make a deal with yourself to first do at least one hour’s worth of homework and then reward yourself with some (e.g., 30 minutes) screen time. By training yourself to put work before play, it will become easier and easier to get your homework done.
Find out more about time management.
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