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Ask Dr. Jan
Dear Dr. Jan,
How can I lose weight safely without using one of those crash diets?
— Danielle
Dear Danielle,
You are smart to want to avoid crash diets because, while you may lose weight initially, chances are that you will gain it right back. This is sometimes referred to as “yo-yo dieting” and is very unhealthy.
The most effective weight loss plan involves making long-term lifestyle changes. The two areas that you want to focus on are healthy eating habits and regular exercise.
The challenge for most people is the discipline required to make and maintain these changes. An easy way to start is to make small changes that you can stick to and then build upon those over time. For example, instead of deciding to join a gym and then struggling with not going as often as you had hoped, consider adding just a little bit of exercise to your normal routine. This might be as simple as going for a brisk walk or bike ride several times a week. All habits, healthy or unhealthy, take time to develop and this can get you started.
In terms of healthier eating habits, a simple way to start is by trying to eat more fruits and vegetables as well as drinking water instead of sweetened drinks like soda. For more detailed information regarding a healthy diet, consider speaking to a health professional like your family doctor, your school nurse, or a nutritionist. They can help you create a plan that ensures you get all the necessary nutrition but still promotes weight loss.
The good news is that, if you put effort into developing healthier habits, over time they will become easier and more automatic. By making these small shifts towards healthier habits in your teen years, you will be creating an opportunity for a lifetime of good health, nutrition, and fitness.
Find out more about how to avoid fad diets.
Read other questions and answers from Dr. Jan's Corner.