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Ask Dr. Jan

Dear Dr. Jan,

I’m starting at a new school this year and I'm worried about making friends. Help!

— Emma

Dear Emma,

It’s always a challenge being the “new kid” at school. There are often cliques and groups of friends that are already established. But you can do several things to help meet people.

Look into the school clubs and sport teams for something that might be of interest to you. This is a great way to meet new people with similar interests.

Another sound strategy is to make an effort to get to know at least one student in each of your classes. This can be as simple as saying: “Hi, my name is ______. I just started here.” You might be surprised that people are friendlier than you expect when you take the initiative.

There are also a lot of opportunities in the community to meet other teens who just might be students at your school. Check into local activities at the library, churches/temples, and the community recreation center.

If all of these suggestions sound overwhelming, perhaps you’re a bit shy and find it difficult to initiate conversations. The good news is that social skills are like any other skill --like riding a bike, writing your name, driving a car-- and all it takes to get good at it is practice. So take a deep breath and give it a try! If you’re persistent, you’re guaranteed to experience success.