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“It’s Your Cause” Video Challenge

Step 1 - Choose an issue
Step 2 - Create a PSA
Step 3 - Send us your video

From depression to dating to sustainable living, spread the word about any Teen Health & Wellness topic you feel passionate about by creating a video PSA (public service announcement). Videos that meet submission requirements and editorial policies will be published on Teen Health & Wellness.

Check out this example created by students at Ankeny High School:

Created by Maria B., Kelsy G., Jeydon H., Nick M., Senida R., Dominic S., Spencer S., and Gabby W.

Browse other examples of student-created videos in the video gallery.

Note for Educators:

Download the It’s Your Voice PSA lesson plan for tips on implementing this project with your students. Created by Ruth Thoreson, Information Literacy Specialist/Teacher Librarian at Johnston High School; Johnston, Iowa.

How to Enter:

  1. Read the official rules and guidelines.

  2. Shoot a short video (about two minutes or less). Design it like a PSA (public service announcement) you might see on your favorite TV channel.

  3. If you need music for your PSA, you can download a royalty-free music track from our Soundzabound Music Library.

  4. Submit your video to Teen Health & Wellness.

All participants must submit a signed Video Release Form. This includes team members, narrators, and students who appear on camera (on film or in photographs). If you are under 18, the form must be signed by a parent or guardian. You can return your release form by email or fax. Videos with missing or incomplete release forms cannot be accepted for publication on Teen Health & Wellness.

PDFDownload the Video Release Form (PDF)

If your video is published on Teen Health & Wellness, you’ll receive a digital certificate of achievement from Rosen Publishing, which can be added to a digital portfolio for job, internship, and college applications.

Official Rules and Guidelines:

  • Participants must be between 13 and 19 years old. You may work individually or in a team.
  • All video content must be original.
  • Your video cannot include:
    • copyrighted or watermarked images, music, or artwork
    • profanity or hateful language
    • inappropriate, disturbing, or offensive images or audio
    • brand names, slogans, logos, or copyrighted characters
  • It’s OK to address serious issues such as self-harm, drug use, or suicide in your PSA, but do not include images that explicitly show these behaviors.
  • If your video includes credits, please list student participants as first name, last initial.
  • Be sure to fix any picture or sound issues before submitting your PSA.
  • You may enter as many videos as you like, you’ll need to provide signed video release forms for each entry.