Awards and Reviews
Top 10 Digital Resource — School Library Journal
Best Reference Source — Library Journal
Best New Product, Readers’ Choice Awards — The Charleston Advisor

“Rich, authoritative information... A simply amazing resource. The features of the database are numerous and thought-provoking.” —American Libraries
“Ground-breaking... A+. The front-runner in health information for teenagers and a definite must-have for all high school and public libraries.” —School Library Journal
“A one-stop self-help resource and fully interactive online community center for teen health and wellness ... authoritative.” —Library Journal
“Thoughtfully considered... An exemplary product for public libraries, high schools, and middle schools. It fills a much-needed niche.” —VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates)
“More interactivity for teens and more useful tools for librarians and teachers... Excellent.” —Booklist
* Starred Review * “Controversial topics are handled sensitively and with both objectivity and compassion... an empowering resource that can give teens a solid starting point for dealing with a medical, emotional, or social challenge.” —The Charleston Advisor
“This site has an incredible amount of information available on health and mental health topics for teens, parents, and teachers. It is intuitive and updated on a regular basis. The homepage, for instance, is updated with the latest medical news and social issues so users will always have a reason to come back to the site. With all of the issues facing young adults today parents, teachers, and librarians will be glad to have a reliable and informative place to send students with their health and social concerns. Highly recommended.” —ARBA Online (American Reference Books Annual)
“I am personally convinced that this 24/7 resource with its big ‘Get Help’ button, is going to save teen lives.” —Laura Cleveland, Columbia County Library, AR
“I cannot recommend Teen Health & Wellness strongly enough! We use it for our health classes, sociology and psychology classes—and the students use it for themselves.” —Sara Kelly Johns, New York Library Association, NY
“The counselors love that they have a site where they can send teenagers to privately look up sensitive information and get answers to questions that they are too embarrassed/shy to ask about!” —Liz Philippi, Houston ISD, TX
“Wow, this is what I call a reference experience! ... The attention to detail in citing, writing, reviewing, and updating make the information very authoritative.” —Sue Polanka, Head of Reference, Wright State University; Chair, Editorial Board, Reference Books Bulletin
“Our school is very impressed with the site and we talk about how we wish this was available when we were teens. We especially like Dr. Jan’s advice.” —Dina Ishimoto Fukada, Riverdale High School, CA
“Rosen Publishing has definitely set the standard for interactive databases that provide up-to-date information for kids on topics that demand answers. In summary: It’s the best thing out there since sliced bread!” —Shonda Brisco, District Librarian, Newkirk Public Schools, OK
“It is extremely accessible and the information provided is ‘hip,’ up-to-date, and grounded in science and medicine. Students can also submit essays on issues that deal with pertinent issues such as death, suicide, and friendship. ... I really think that, by including student voices in the database, the purely fact-driven database model recedes and a more interactive, end-user interface is created. ... Many of our regional school library systems have picked up the database and have seen great responses from teaching staff, librarians, and students.” —Charles O’Bryan, School Library System, Director, DCMO BOCES, NY
“Teen Health & Wellness fills an unmet need. With Teen Health & Wellness there is finally a well-done, professional caliber health resource for teens that is authoritative and reliable.” —Linda DeMuro, Director of Library Services, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
“When my students use Teen Health & Wellness they find the information they need simply and quickly, and have no interest in using Google. They love the database; our teachers love the database; and I couldn’t be happier. Every school and library serving teenagers should subscribe. Excellent resource!” —Cynthia M. Davis, School Library Media Specialist, East High School, Buffalo, NY
“Last night my 16 year old son was working on an assignment for his health class. He had to get 2 articles from the internet on a certain topic and then summarize and compare the content from each. He found one article quite quickly and then went to Teen Health & Wellness. He immediately found what he was looking for and was able to breeze through the assignment. He had to say which article he thought was better and he picked the Teen Health & Wellness article because it gave him better information. My son is a reluctant reader and he was able to use the Rosen Web site easily and with success.” —Donna Palmyra, Parent